
"Leaders ensure that arrangements are made to safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils. They achieve this by undertaking frequent and detailed oversight of records, the implementation of procedures, liaison with external agencies when appropriate, and discussion with staff and pupils."


Safeguarding and Child Protection

The safety and welfare of all pupils at Dover College is our highest priority.

We pride ourselves on knowing each pupil as an individual and providing a happy and secure environment so that all pupils can learn in safety.

Each member of staff, contractor or volunteer who comes into contact with the pupils of Dover College has a role to play in safeguarding including a responsibility to act and report any concerns, to share information and put our pupils first. Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy is available here.

  • All members of staff receive annual Safeguarding and Child Protection training (and regular updates) from the Deputy Head (Safeguarding), Miss Julie Green (DSL).
  • All new members of staff receive Safeguarding training as part of our new staff induction process.
  • Governors receive annual training in Safeguarding and Child Protection.
  • All members of staff are required to read and confirm they have understood Part One and Annex A of KCSIE, in order to fully discharge their role and responsibilities in terms of safeguarding children.
  • We keep an up-to-date Safeguarding Training register to ensure all members of staff are up to date.
  • All members of staff and visitors are required to wear photographic identification whilst on the College site.
  • Visitors to the College are required to sign in electronically at Priory Lodge (the main College Reception), the Prep School, or Bursary and receive a visitors’ pass which includes a photograph.
  • The College operates 24-hour CCTV and an electronic security system for gates and external doors. Entrance to the College is via the main gates, with access monitored during working hours. A security code is used to access the gates outside of working hours.