Entry Points
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Dover College, Effingham Crescent, Dover, Kent, United Kingdom, CT17 9RH
Whilst moving up to Senior School is a natural progression, for a child is it a period of transition and the first of many changes which will take place between the ages of 11 and 16. They will find that academic work becomes more challenging and that co-curricular opportunities become more plentiful. At the same time, they will experience a period of rapid personal and social development.
Our task throughout these crucial first years in the Senior School is to provide the right balance between challenge and support; to provide a stimulating and supportive teaching and learning environment as well as the appropriate level of pastoral care.
Taking time to reflect upon your academic interests and abilities, and considering which subjects to study at GCSE, is an important part of your development as a person. The decisions you make now will help influence your future, so think carefully before choosing your options and think also about building upon success and what you find enjoyable and worthwhile.
In order to ensure that every Dover College pupil is equipped with a good balance of skills and knowledge, certain subjects are compulsory at GCSE. These subjects constitute what is known as the ‘core curriculum’, and include subjects such as English, Mathematics and Science. In addition, pupils choose a number of optional subjects. The decision regarding which of these optional subjects should be studied is an important one.
Of course, your time at school is not simply about academic work and examinations. To get the most out of Dover College, every pupil is urged to become involved in a wide range of sporting, cultural and recreational activities. It is very much the case, however, that the basis for a happy and fruitful time at school is also about getting the academic side of life right. Making the correct choices for GCSE should certainly put you on the path to achieving this.
The secret of success in the Sixth Form is to embrace as many opportunities as possible. We do not just want to teach you subjects, we want to help you develop a growth mind-set. What we mean by that is that we, not only want to build up your knowledge and empower your understanding, but want you to become confident, self-managing, self-aware and reflective learners. These are the traits that will prepare you for possible further studying and, in for your future career and life in general.
Dover College, Effingham Crescent, Dover, Kent, United Kingdom, CT17 9RH