EYFS Curriculum


The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is fundamental in preparing children for their future educational journey. Our Nursery offers children aged 3 and above the best possible start to life in a secure, safe and happy environment. It provides strong foundations for them to develop their individual interests and talents as they grow.

The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum provides a framework within which children can benefit from both child-initiated learning opportunities and planned sessions designed to stimulate learning and growth. Children have full access to outdoor play areas, including our recently redeveloped Discovery Garden. Additionally, the facilities within the school – such as the sports hall, astro pitch, music school and theatre –  expose the children to a wide variety of experiences and opportunities.

Each day at Nursery offers something different – including taught activities like PE, languages, Music and Forest School. Children attend assembly each Friday, they are involved in the Prep School Nativity and Summer Concerts and participate in off-site educational trips, sports days and all other areas of school life. Nursery pupils are fully integrated into the school community and are in regular contact with older pupils and specialist teaching staff, fostering a strong sense of community cohesion and belonging.

Prep 1 - 6 Curriculum

We seek to excite and enthuse our pupils in their learning through engagement with a broad and balanced curriculum which is delivered in a structured yet creative way.

Topics and themes provide the opportunity to immerse the children in their learning in a cross-curricular approach whilst having a clear educational purpose and true educational value. We focus not only on what to learn but also on how to learn. The acquisition and development of Life and Learning skills are integral in all aspects of our curriculum and are vital for your child’s future. The children learn to research and extend their knowledge, engaging in individual projects, group work and presentations.

We develop core skills and focus most of the morning lessons on improving skills in reading, writing and numeracy. The National Curriculum is followed in terms of content for English and Mathematics to ensure the vital building blocks are in place for future life skills, challenges and examinations.

There is no more sitting in class wondering, “Why am I learning this?” or “I won’t need this when I’m older!” We believe in the value of all subjects and want the children to feel that there is a practical use for everything they learn in school. Many subjects are delivered by specialist teachers and wherever possible are linked within the topic and theme that provides an all-around connected learning journey.

Our Connected Curriculum offers languages including Spanish and French from Reception as well as specialist music and games/PE lessons twice weekly. In preparation for Senior School, Prep 5 and 6 make use of the senior school facilities and expertise in additional subjects including Art, Design and Technology, Drama Computing and Science.

The addition of Forest School into the curriculum is a popular one. We have a fully trained Level 3 Forest School leader who offers regular opportunities for pupils to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland or natural environment with trees. The Dover College campus, and in particular our Discovery Garden, provides the perfect setting for the Forest School.

The Dover College Curriculum caters for all and celebrates every pupil’s strengths and achievements, developing skills so that the children become independent and confident, risk-taking learners. We encourage them constantly to think differently.

Clubs & Activities